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Book of Queens LIB/e

The True Story of the Middle Eastern Horsewomen Who Fought the War on Terror

Book of Queens LIB/e( )
Author: Mahdavi, Pardis
Read by: Mahdavi, Pardis
Rohani, Sean
Massoud, Nikki
Ommi, Shila
Toren, Suzanne
Attaie, Sitara
Publication Date:Aug 2023
Publisher:Hachette Book Group
Book Format:CD-Audio
List Price:USD $76.99
Book Description:

The untold story of generations of Middle Eastern freedom fighters--horsewomen who safeguarded an ancient breed of Caspian horse--and their efforts to defend their homelands from the Taliban and others seeking to destroy them.

"A breathtaking book that revisits nearly one hundred years of Iranian history, highlighting the power and beauty of women who refuse to be subdued." ―Alison Hawthorne Deming, author of A Woven World

Book of Queens reaches...
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