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Congenital Cardiac Surgery

Congenital Cardiac Surgery( )
Author: Reitz, Bruce A.
Yuh, David Daiho
Publication Date:Oct 2001
Publisher:McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing
Book Format:Hardback
List Price:USD $199.00
Book Description:

A practical reference that explains the perioperative management of the congenital cardiac patient. Included is detailed coverage of cardiac evaluation, anesthetic considerations, myocardial protection, IC management, cardiopulmonary issues, arrhythmias, fluids & electrolytes, and coagulation.

Book Details
Detailed Subjects: Medical / Cardiology
Medical / Surgery / Cardiothoracic
Physical Dimensions (W X L X H):8.518 x 10.994 x 0.722 Inches
Book Weight:2.213 Pounds

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