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Family Jewels and Other Stories

Family Jewels and Other Stories( )
Author: Cannell, Dorothy
Series title:Five Star First Edition Mystery Ser.
Publication Date:Apr 2001
Publisher:Cengage Gale
Imprint:Five Star
Book Format:Hardback
List Price:USD $24.95
Author Biography
Cannell, Dorothy (Author)
Dorothy Cannell was born in Nottingham, England and moved to the United States when she was twenty. Her first Ellie Haskell novel, The Thin Woman, was selected as one of the 100 Favorite Mysteries of the Twentieth Century by the Independent Mystery Booksellers Association. Besides the Ellie Haskell Mysteries series, her other novels include God Save the Queen!, Naked Came the Farmer, The Sunken Sailor, and Sea Glass Summer. She is also a contributor to the popular Sisters in Crime anthologies.


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