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Mitch Epstein: Work

Mitch Epstein: Work( )
Photographer: Epstein, Mitch
Text by: Fineman, Mia
Lange, Susanne
Weinberger, Eliot
Publication Date:Mar 2016
Publisher:Steidl GmbH & Co. OHG
Book Format:Hardback
List Price:USD $50.00
Book Description:

While Mitch Epstein is widely acknowledged as one of the world's most distinguished art photographers, a complete survey of his work has never been published until now. Mitch Epstein: Workinvites readers to trace the evolution of Epstein's entire career, following formal and thematic concerns that reveal how his aesthetics, his techniques and his politics have shifted and influenced one another over time. His early work on recreation is given its most natural yet unexpected...
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Author Biography
Eliot Weinberger was born on February 6, 1949. He is a writer, editor and translator. His work has been published in 30 languages. He first gained recognition from his translations of Nobel Prize winner and poet Octavio Paz. These translations include Collected Poems 1957-1987 and In Light of India. He has also translated other writers such as Vicente Huidobro's Altazor. He received the National Board Critic's Circle Award for his edition of Borge's Selected Non-Fictions. Today Eliot Weinberger is mostly known for his essays and political articles focusing on U.S. politics and foreign policy. His literary writings include An Elemental Thing, which was selected by The Village Voice as one of the "20 Best Books of the Year for 2009. He is also the co-author of a study of Chinese poetry translations, 19 Ways of Looking at Wang Wei. In 2000 he was the only American literary writer to be awarded the order of the Aztec Eagle by the government of Mexico.


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