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Rainbow Wisdom

A Guide to Unlocking Your Reality Spectrum

Rainbow Wisdom( )
Author: Johnson, Brad
Publication Date:Oct 2014
Publisher:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Book Format:Paperback
List Price:USD $7.99
Book Description:

What is Rainbow Wisdom?Just as one would look upon a rainbow and be in awe of its beauty through the array of colors within its structure, one who holds Rainbow Wisdom can see the beauty of the array of understanding within their own self structure. To be a being of Rainbow Wisdom far surpasses the idea of knowing their self. On the contrary, the premise is that one who has traveled through their facets of knowing to transcend it to unknowing is well on their way to becoming one of...
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Book Details
Physical Dimensions (W X L X H):5.5 x 8.5 x 0.25 Inches
Book Weight:0.43 Pounds

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