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The Limits of Consent

Sexual Assault in Law and Society

The Limits of Consent( )
Author: Featherstone, Lisa
Byrnes, Cassandra
Maturi, Jenny
Minto, Kiara
Mickelburgh, Renée
Donaghy, Paige
Series title:Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies
Publication Date:Nov 2023
Publisher:Palgrave Macmillan
Book Format:Paperback
List Price:USD $49.99
Book Description:

This open access book examines the ways that consent operates in contemporary culture, suggesting it is a useful starting point to respectful relationships. This work, however, seeks to delve deeper, into the more complicated aspects of sexual consent. It examines the ways meaningful consent is difficult, if not impossible, in relationships that involve intimate partner violence or family violence. It considers the way vulnerable communities need access to information on consent. It...
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Book Details
Detailed Subjects: Social Science / Sociology / General
Physical Dimensions (W X L X H):6.045 x 9.165 Inches
Book Weight:0.521 Pounds

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