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Die Constitution der Materie

Eine Vorlesung Über Die Grundlagen der Physik Aus Dem Jahre 1884

Die Constitution der Materie( )
Author: Hertz, Heinrich
Editor: Fölsing, Albrecht
Publication Date:Sep 1999
Publisher:Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
Book Format:Hardback
List Price:USD $89.99
Book Description:

1884 hielt Heinrich Hertz an der Universität Kiel eine Vorlesung über "Moderne Anschauungen über die Constitution der Materie". Das ausgearbeitete Manuskript sollte als Buch veröffentlicht werden, was jedoch unterblieb. Das Manuskript wurde von A. Fölsing kürzlich aufgefunden. Hertz erörtert zunächst erkenntnistheoretische Fragen der Physik, der zweite Teil ist ein entschiedenes Plädoyer zugunsten der Maxwellschen Theorie, und im dritten Teil werden Probleme der Mechanik und Atomistik behandelt.

Book Details
Physical Dimensions (W X L X H):6.045 x 9.165 Inches
Book Weight:2.134 Pounds
Author Biography
Hertz, Heinrich (Author)
Born in Germany, Heinrich Hertz came from a prosperous and cultured family. After serving in the military for a year (1876--77), Hertz spent a year at the University of Munich, where he decided to embark upon an academic career. In 1880 Hertz received a Ph.D. at the University of Berlin. He then taught at the University of Kiel and in 1885 was appointed professor of physics at the University of Bonn. His untimely death from blood poisoning, which occurred after several years of poor health, cut short a brilliant career.

Hertz made significant contributions to the understanding of electrical phenomena and application of electrical equipment. In 1888 he produced electromagnetic waves using an electric circuit. These waves, originally called Hertzian waves (now known as radio waves) confirmed James Clerk Maxwell's prediction of the existence of electromagnetic waves, both as light waves and radio waves. Continuing his research and analysis of Maxwell's theory, Hertz published two papers in 1890. During this period, his experimental and theoretical research strengthened the field of electrodynamics. In 1887 Hertz inadvertently discovered the photoelectric effect whereby ultraviolet radiation releases electrons from the surface of a metal.

Hertz died before Guglielmo Marconi made the use of radio waves a practical means of communication. In his honor the unit of frequency is now called the hertz.


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