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Episodios Nacionales

Episodios Nacionales( )
Author: Pérez Galdós, Benito
de Torquemada, Juan
Series title:Narrativa Ser.
Publication Date:Aug 2010
Publisher:Linkgua Ediciones, S.L.
Book Format:Paperback
List Price:USD $11.95
Book Description:

Galdós era el décimo hijo de un coronel del ejército, Sebastián Pérez, y de Dolores Galdós. En 1852 ingresó en el Colegio de San Agustín, que aplicaba una pedagogía muy avanzada para la época. Obtuvo el título de bachiller en Artes en 1862, en el Instituto de La Laguna, y empezó a publicar poemas satíricos, ensayos y cuentos en la prensa local. También se destacó por su interés por el dibujo y la pintura. En septiembre de 1862 Galdós se fue a vivir a Madrid y se matriculó en la...
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Book Details
Physical Dimensions (W X L X H):5.5 x 8.5 Inches
Author Biography
Pérez Galdós, Benito (Author)
Perez Galdos was Spain's outstanding nineteenth-century novelist. At a time when most Spanish novelists were limited by their regional backgrounds, Galdos possessed the intellect and vision to embrace the Spanish people as a nation. In 1873 he began the Episodios nacionales (National Episodes), a 46--volume series of historical novels in which he was concerned less with details and facts of history than with their impact on the lives of ordinary people.

His works are sometimes divided into two periods: novels of the first period and contemporary Spanish novels. His early novels, Dona Perfecta (1876), Gloria (1877), Marianela (1878), and The Family of Leon Roch (1879), may be characterized as realistic with touches of romanticism. The novels are united by common characters and themes in the manner of Balzac's Human Comedy. Dona Perfecta is a denunciation of intolerance. Marianela explores the irony and tragedy of the destruction of love by scientific progress. Fortunata and Jacinta (1886-87), a four-volume masterpiece of the second period, contrasts two women - Jacinta, wife of the wealthy middle-class Juanito Santa Cruz, and Fortunata, his mistress. Both are admirable characters, but it is Fortunata who bears a son, demonstrating the vitality of the lower classes. The character of Maxi reveals Galdos's interest in mental illness and his naturalistic strain.

Born and educated in the Canary Islands, Perez Galdos studied law briefly and spent most of his adult life in Madrid. His study of lower-class Spanish life and his attempts to improve it led him to the advocacy of more equal distribution of wealth and outspoken opposition to the Catholic church. While always popular with the people, he fared less well in literary cir

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